Monday, February 6, 2012

It was not worth it,

the bubble tea that is. I should have known Wichita couldn't make exceptional bubble tea. There's no such thing as mediocre bubble tea. The tapioca balls are either heavenly or stale putty. This cup was worse than worse, and the straw was too small to suck up the boba; in an effort to do just that, I spilled tea in my laptop. It fizzled out, and I cried like a little bitch. All is well though. My mac is back on, and I do not have to invest in another $1,500 computer. PHEW!

Don't let mediocre bubble tea give you a coronary. Alway, friends, go for the coffee or chai--always.

Oh, and one more thing.

I. can't. stop. watching. Battle. Star. Galactica.

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