Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm looney.

Let's play a game. I'll explain to you my weekend plans, and you try to convince me I shouldn't be put in a crazy institution.

Wednesday Rae receives a series of poems from Kansas; her ex boyfriend gives her something to think about on her birthday. She did the same for him a week earlier, but rather than poems, she sent a letter with a clearly defined motive and request. Love me someday. The poems she receives are convoluteD and covered in double meaning.

Thursday Rae buys a pricey plane ticket to Kansas which is kind of hilarious because who goes to Kansas? NO ONE goes to Kansas unless by force! This plane ticket seems less funny when she realizes that she really did just commit to visiting her ex boyfriend in KANSAS for $400(and that's student universe). Her reasoning is ridiculous and rash, but she can't turn back now nor does she want to.

Friday Rae has to tell boys she doesn't like them. She is apparently emotionally unavailable, but even more than that, she is apathetic to the feelings of people she does not know well. Call it a fault; call it honesty in its most raw state.

Saturday Rae hangs out with a friend. Together, they witness a car theft in front of the library. Then run off to uptown where crimes are fewer and farther in between. She wakes up the next morning with the flu? or walking pneumonia, or mono? ahh no. (Her neck is the size of the Hulk's-hot.)

Sunday Rae is too sick to teacher her first grade hebrew school class.

Ok, enough of this fucking third person. You get the idea. I'm extreme, and full of hot air (and germs).

I'm getting ready to go to lunch with my estranged mother then to my new job to shadow this ancient woman with tremors. She looks like Java the hut. My new work uniform is awful. I have to wear black pants with this ill-fitting athletic addidas polo. I look like I'm about to ref a basketball game. The best part is I am supposed to wear my name tag attached to a chain around my neck. all day. Coach Rae? Not that I'm complaining...

I don't do well with being told what to wear and I am totally not getting paid enough to not care.

sigh, and thus begins an interesting winter of dueling paychecks, meaningless rendezvous, extremity of the ages (the really young and really old), and cold.

I will soon blog of my adventures in the land of Tornadoes and...corn?.

Until then!

*clicks her heals then flies away*

P.S. Before I forget, my good friend Michael Manfroni is on an adventure to Denver. Follow his trip! it should be more entertaining than my humble life.http://www.michaelmanfroni.com/2010/10/nice-way-to-get-places-slowly-or-slow.html


michael said...

i find your life fascinating. thanks for the shout out!

Gail Hoffman said...

ESTRANGED MOTHER. Oh really. well lets see shall we, we live together and might I add sleep together. I work with you and for you and we eat all of our meals together, yes somehow I am your suddenly ESTRANGED MOTHER?

Tracy said...

I was wondering about the 'estranged mother" comment, myself. Strange mother? Yes. Estranged father? Definitely. Estranged mother, though...? Not so much, I'm thinking.

Oh, and it's totally Jabba the hut.