Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's been a hot minute

Dearest viewers, friends, family,

I've dropped the ball on posting everyday--especially posting new and fantastic outfits. I've been attempting to write more poems. I usually shit out two or three a day, and they're mediocre, but over time, I edit them into gold. This requires time which is sucked up with grading and reading epics (Odyssey, Iliad, and the Aeneid is on its way into my brain as we speak).

[Good Lord. Teachers work way too hard and make way too little money, and graduate teaching assistants work even harder because they have to take classes as well. BAM! That's my excuse. I think it's a pretty good one.]

What's been new with me? It's so nice of you to ask. I just got my new macbook pro in the mail today. Next weekend I am attending AWP, and the weekend after, I am reading at a conference in Stillwater, OK. (on Heart of Darkness, belch) On top of those time consuming tasks, I must begin writing a twenty page seminar paper on how the epic heroes; Odysseus, Achilles, and the Aeneis are echoed in Battlestar Galactica. After I write this paper, I am officially considering myself uncool. (Shit, I just remembered I have to write yet another paper before next week EEEK--whyyyy meeee, oh right. I chose to attend Grad school. What was I thinking?).

So this is my life for the next month. If I have been neglecting phone calls, I apologize. I'm a drowning a bit under all I have to do *gurglegurgle*

Adieu, adieu clear days and foggy pint glasses,
burnished sunsets, and wet grass--
I won't be seeing you for a while.

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