Friday, May 11, 2012


Jay has been gone only two days, and I have gotten a lot of work done. Not that he is an impedance, but when I am alone and bored (a terrible combination), shit gets DONE. It's great. I've written and edited two poems to almost-completion (I don't think a poem is ever complete-complete). I've recorded a cover of a cover of a song (yes, intentional). I've worked out, cooked, read Keat's "Isabella, A pot of Basil" and part of Charle's Wright's Southern Cross. I gone on walks, but I haven't once turned on the TV. Don't act like you're not impressed,


after all that, I'm bored as shit. I must be really lame company because there's nothing mildly stimulating about spending the day with my own company. Folks, Rae Hoffman is boring. I said it, and now I feel even more boring, so boring I might even turn on the television and become the most boring person ever. Hyperbole intended. 

I suppose I'll write some more songs/music and send some of my more finished poems out.

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